Villain Focus - Damien Rousseau

Damien Rousseau

    Damien Rousseau usually appears to be a seemingly normal, red-haired Cajun male. His manner is polite, and he is relatively friendly in conversation. However, his rarely blinking eyes constantly follow you, and the smile that graces his face isn't that of a genial individual but one of someone that thinks so little of you that your life and death would both be amazingly insignificant. Damien Rousseau is a rakshasa.

    Living a day to the east in the stinking, feted bayou, Damien has an uneasy truce with Lord Gy Lévesque and Mayor Marquise Désirée Fournier. He comes to the city regularly to purchase supplies and add a significant amount of gold to the city's coffers, and Lord Lévesque allows him to go about his chores under the careful watch of the city guard. Damien has never even once raised a claw toward anyone in Ville des Marai, and as far as anyone can tell he doesn't intend to.

    If you meet Damien outside the city, however, you become fair game unless you're someone of great importance to the city. He will play with his prey, his first attacks being more of a nuisance but quickly becoming deadly. He has a very uneasy truce with the dragon Shimrexxafaque, but the two have come to blows before. While Damien is quite powerful, Shimrexxafaque is significantly more so and, because of this, Damien offered a truce. He gives half of any treasure his prey may have to the dragon, and in return the beast allows him to hunt and live in the beast's bayou.

Damien in his natural rakshasa form