NPC Focus - Annette Traver
Annette Traver Annette Traver is an incredibly forward thinking and enterprising woman. Raised far to the north in a small town called Sarcelles, she dreamed of one day moving to Ville des Marais and starting her own general store that focused on the needs of adventurers. Now at forty-five, Annette has done just that. The proud owner of La Torche Brûlante (The Burning Torch), Annette does something that no other merchant in the city does - she delivers her wares right to your doorstep. Annette employs two teamsters and six guards. For a nominal fee of a single gold piece, she will have one of her drivers and two guards deliver anywhere within the confines of Ville des Marais within an hour or so of the purchase. She will even deliver goods within 10 miles of the city, utilizing one teamster and four guards, but the charge goes up to 5gp for every mile travelled (one way). She pays her delivery people and guards well, and their...