Color Focus - The Discussion


    The voodoo priestess's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper. "Tell me, Wizard Elijah, what brings you to our city? The loa whisper of a great imbalance, and I sense your presence is connected."

    Wizard Elijah's bushy eyebrows furrowed, his eyes clouding with concern. "Indeed, Priestess Akua. Dark forces stir in the shadows, threatening the fragile harmony between our worlds. I seek the ancient knowledge hidden within your city's walls."

    Priestess Akua's gaze narrowed. "What knowledge could possibly reside here, in this melting pot of magic and mystery?"

    Elijah's voice dropped to a whisper. "The Lost Tome of the Bayou. Rumors speak of its hiding place within the city's ancient heart. Its secrets could tip the scales against the darkness."

    Akua's expression turned contemplative. "I know of the tome's legend, but its location remains a mystery. Together, perhaps we can unravel the threads of fate and uncover its hiding place."

    As they spoke, the air around them seemed to thicken, the shadows deepening into an unseen presence. The priestess's red sash fluttered, as if stirred by an invisible breeze.

    Just as Priestess Akua was about to share her thoughts on the Lost Tome, a hooded figure emerged from the shadows. Their face remained obscured, shrouded in darkness.

    "Forgive the interruption," the figure said in a low, gravelly voice, "but your discussion interests me."

    Wizard Elijah's eyes narrowed. "Who are you, and how did you—"

    The figure raised a hand, and the air seemed to ripple around them. "Names hold power. Let us say I am a...facilitator. And I have knowledge of the Lost Tome."

    Priestess Akua's gaze remained steady. "What do you know?"

    The facilitator stepped closer, their presence unsettling. "I can reveal its location, but at a price. Are you willing to pay it?"

    Elijah's expression turned skeptical. "What price?"

    The facilitator's hooded gaze shifted between the pair. "A memory. A secret. Something precious to one of you."

    Akua's eyes flashed with warning. "We don't deal in unknown costs."

    The facilitator's voice took on a sinister tone. "Then perhaps you'll never find the Lost Tome. Or'll find something far more evil."