
Villain Focus - Baron Glegali

Baron Glegali      Baron Glegali is one of the more active turbulent loa in the area and the constant thorn in the side of the houngan   Pépin Rey . Once a bokor of considerable power, he was accidentally slain by Pépin three decades ago when the two came to blows over a woman that they were both in love with. He was taken into the ranks of the turbulent loa for his immense service to them, and his spirit was reformed with his memory intact.     Falling for  Régine Villeneuve at first sight,  Baron Glegali tried to do everything he could to court the lovely creole woman. He presented her with lavish gifts, flowers, anything he could think of. It was to no avail, however, as  Régine  had fallen deeply in love with  Pépin. Baron Glegali confronted Pépin at his run-down little shanty, telling him that he wasn't good enough for  Régine and that  Pépin  should intentionally ruin their relationship so that he could step in. When  Pépin refused, Baron Glegali offered to &quo

Color Focus - The Discussion

       The voodoo priestess's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper. "Tell me, Wizard Elijah, what brings you to our city? The loa whisper of a great imbalance, and I sense your presence is connected."      Wizard Elijah's bushy eyebrows furrowed, his eyes clouding with concern. "Indeed, Priestess Akua. Dark forces stir in the shadows, threatening the fragile harmony between our worlds. I seek the ancient knowledge hidden within your city's walls."      Priestess Akua's gaze narrowed. "What knowledge could possibly reside here, in this melting pot of magic and mystery?"      Elijah's voice dropped to a whisper. "The Lost Tome of the Bayou. Rumors speak of its hiding place within the city's ancient heart. Its secrets could tip the scales against the darkness."      Akua's expression turned contemplative. "I know of the tome's legend, but its location remains a mystery.

NPC Focus - Mairabella the Mermaid

Mairabella the Mermaid        Mairabella is the leader of a pod of merfolk just off of the coast of  Ville des Marais. She is young, but well respected due to her leadership abilities, bubbly personality and beautiful appearance. She also possesses a keen tactical mind, and has managed to defend against attacks by merrow, sahuagin and even scrags (sea trolls). While she may be quite a warrior, she prefers diplomacy to combat, and her natural charisma assists her in this greatly.      Mairabella will often retrieve items from shipwrecks and trade them for supplies that can't be created underwater. Her greatest find so far is a large (6") crystal ball, and she uses this magic item to keep an eye on her territory. She keeps this item a secret, and enjoys the adulations from the rest of the merfolk for her "uncanny ability" to know where trouble can be found. She's run afoul of the infamous pirate  Captain Gnash several times, and has outsmarted him every time.     S

NPC Focus - Annette Traver

Annette Traver      Annette Traver is an incredibly forward thinking and enterprising woman. Raised far to the north in a small town called Sarcelles, she dreamed of one day moving to Ville des Marais and starting her own general store that focused on the needs of adventurers. Now at forty-five, Annette has done just that. The proud owner of La Torche Brûlante (The Burning Torch), Annette does something that no other merchant in the city does - she delivers her wares right to your doorstep.     Annette employs two teamsters and six guards. For a nominal fee of a single gold piece, she will have one of her drivers and two guards deliver anywhere within the confines of Ville des Marais within an hour or so of the purchase. She will even deliver goods within 10 miles of the city, utilizing one teamster and four guards, but the charge goes up to 5gp for every mile travelled (one way). She pays her delivery people and guards well, and their loyalty is unquestioned.     Several o

NPC Focus - Louis Lapointe

Louis Lapointe      Louis Lapointe was a thief, operating out of Ville des Marie. A friend of  Guarin Félix  and a member of the Sneak's Guild, he was on a burgling job when he ran afoul of one of  Papa Abélard Delacroix 's minions. Unbenounced to Louis, the home he had broken into belonged to the bokor and was a part of one of his nefarious schemes. As punishment, Papa Delacroix murdered Louis and then raised him as a zombie.     Something strange happened, however. Louis somehow managed to retain his intelligence, his identity and sense of self. Never under the control of  Papa Delacroix, Louis managed to escape into the bayou, avoiding detection thanks to his magical ring of chameleon power . Thanks to his now undead state and his ring, louis was simply able to stand still when the bokor's minions got close and was eventually able to get out of the lich's demises.     Louis now lives in the bayou southwest of  Ville des Marie, occasionally coming into the city (than

Color Focus - The Calendar

The planet Terre takes 360 days to circle around Le Soleil. There are 12 months, each of which has 30 days in them and the days are simply named 1-10 in Franche. There are two moons, Mother and Father (Mère and Père), with Mother having a 28 day cycle and Father having a 20 day cycle. The current year is 1485, marked from the time of the destruction of the lich king Cesaire le Noir. The year begins on the first day of First Cold (Premier Rhume). The Months First Cold - Premier Rhume. This is the first month of winter, and the official start of the year. The temperatures are usually around a high of 65° and a low of 48°. Humidity hovers around 66%. Second Cold - Deuxième Rhume. This is the second month of winter, with temperatures between a high of 63° and a low of 45°. Humidity hovers around 62%. Third Cold - Troisième Rhume. This is the third month of winter, with temperatures between a high of 67° and a low of 49°. Humidity hovers around 63%. First Sowing - Premier Semis. This is the

Creature Focus - Zombie, Bayou

A Bayou Zombie      Sometimes areas of the bayou are so warped by the presence of a powerful bokor that it becomes tainted with necromantic energies and starts to arbitrarily raise those humanoids that die in the waters as zombies. Plant life grows onto, within and as a part of these undead creatures, and they constantly drip fetid, brackish water. Their rotting skin takes on a sickening, swampy green pallor, and their eyes glow red.     The worst part about these zombies is that they can make the bayou itself come alive, entangling their victims in vines and other plants. Their appearance also helps them to hide much more effectively, and they will frequently lay under the shallow water, within clumps of plants or in the hollows around the roots of a bald cypress and wait for prey to come near before attacking.     Although raised as undead by the bayou itself, these zombies are treated as normal zombies when it comes to turning and control. They are also vulnerable to spells that af

NPC Focus - Estelle and Valérie Nicolas

Valérie  and  Estelle  Nicolas      Estelle Nicolas, and her younger sister Valérie, run Nicolas Dry Goods, located in the poor Maçon District of Ville des Marai. A spinster by choice, Estelle hopes to one day have enough money for a dowry for Valérie and to find her a good husband that will take care of her. Friendly and hard working, Estelle is known for helping those in need by lowering her prices when someone doesn't have enough for needed goods.      Valérie is quite different from her older sister. She is flighty and fun-loving, and wishes to one day become an adventurer and find lost treasures of old so that her sister doesn't have to work so hard. She practices with a small wooden shortsword in the alley next to the store, much to the amusement of those passing by. She has actually developed some skill, and is collecting a personal savings to buy a real weapon and pay for some training.      Nicolas Dry Goods is actually haunted by the spirit of their great grandfather,

NPC Focus - Dame Émilie Lebeau

Dame Émilie Lebeau     Dame  Émilie Lebeau is, without a doubt, a massive contradiction to all who know her. A paladin of the Temple of Cavdes, she is so unlike most other half-orcs. Dame Lebeau is genial, refined, calm and possesses a very gentle demeanor. She is also nearly 7' tall, incredibly strong and has bested the likes of Lord Gy Lévesque  in battle practice time and again. The Comtesse Laurent sings her praises regularly, much to the shy and humble paladin's chagrin.     Hailing from the orc lands far to the south, she came to  Ville des Marai to pledge her service to Cavdes, since the temple there is the largest in the region. Her parents understood her calling, but her orc mother fought against it literally tooth and nail. The headstrong  Émilie had her mind made up, however, and so she travelled to  Ville des Marai five years ago and quickly made a name for herself in the service of the Paladin God of Service.     In order to expand her horizons,  Émilie is learnin

NPC Focus - Gigi Dubois

Gigi Dubois      Gigi Dubois is, despite her young age, a fairly powerful woodwitch . Woodland animals seem to flock to her without hesitation, and it's an incredibly rare thing to see her without something furry or feathered cradled in her arms or walking along beside her. Her dire wolf companion, Félix, is awakened and capable of speaking common, and the two are often seen talking about the nuances of nature or spellcasting.     Gigi is incredibly curious about how everything works, even to the point of absentmindedly wandering off to examine something interesting that catches her eye. While this can be a problem at times, Félix is usually able to get her back on track with a nudge or a call of her name. This curiosity has helped her several times in the past, however, as she has managed to discover several lost magic items and a significant amount of treasure.     Gigi is a good friend to both  Jérémie Rey and his father  Pépin , and hopes to eventually learn bayou and swamp