Loa Focus - Nieliah
Nieliah is the loa of romance, passion, femininity, sex, beauty, florals, and perfume. Her main colors are pink, green and white, and she loves sweet cakes, expensive liqueurs and perfumes as her gifts and offerings. She absolutely adores both men and women, and revels in every aspect of love and sexuality. Her veve is a stylized heart with a butterfly on each side. Her domains are Good, Love and Pleasure. Somewhere to the East of Ville des Marai are hotsprings known as Nieliah's Bath. The area is incredibly difficult to find, and it's said that Nieliah guards her oasis jealously so that only those that truly yearn for love are able to find it. Those that bathe in the exceedingly pure water of the hotsprings will find their hearts and passions open wide, and will fall in love with whomever else is bathing in the springs at the time (a DC 18 Willpower check is required and can be intentionally failed; failure means that the PC/NPC has fallen deepl...